Sunday 22nd September is Diocesan Safeguarding Sunday. The theme for this year is A Safe and Welcoming Church for Children and Vulnerable Adults.

A Safe and Welcoming Church is the name given to the new child safeguarding policy for the Catholic Church in Ireland, which was launched in June of this year. It replaces Safeguarding Children, which dates back to 2008.

The decision to give the child safeguarding policy of the Catholic Church in Ireland a new title reflects a change in our understanding and approach to safeguarding. We understand that safeguarding is not simply a response to the crisis brought about by disclosures of abuse in the Church but is something deeply rooted in gospel values, scripture and Church teaching. It goes beyond the prevention of harm and consists, as Pope Francis has written, in the creation of the material and spiritual conditions for children’s full development. It is fitting, therefore, that we take this opportunity to consider our engagement with children and also with vulnerable adults…..

+Dermott Farrell, Archbishop of Dublin