Sunday 26th January will be a special parish day of awareness and fundraising for DEBRA Ireland. Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB) is a condition that affects the body’s largest organ, the skin. People living with EB are missing the essential proteins that bind the skin’s layers together, so any minor friction, movement or trauma causes it to break and blister. It’s debilitating, excruciating and relentless. A disease with no known cure.

We will have a collection box at all Masses that weekend for donations.

Also, as in the previous two years, we will show a film in the afternoon in the parish house for those free to attend. This year the film is The Miracle Club” with Kathy Bates and Maggie Smith. It concerns a group of Irish people who take a trip to Lourdes. It will be followed by some light refreshments. There will also be a donation box for DEBRA at the film.