Posts from March 2025

1116 of 16 items

Eucharistic Adoration in New Chapel

by Donal Bergin

In order to facilitate the preparations for the two Parish Confirmation ceremonies, the Eucharistic Adoration and Confession on Thursday 13th March will take place in the new parish chapel at the usual time of 3pm.  Entrance to the new chapel is through the door, directly opposite the parish house.

Dates for the Diary

by Donal Bergin

Thursday 20th March at 7pm: Parish Pastoral Council Meeting. Saturday 22nd March at 11am: Ecumenical LGBT+ Meeting. Tuesday 25th March at 6pm: Parish Partnership Meeting. Tuesday 1st April at 6.30pm: Parish Liturgy Committee Meeting.

Please Support the Diocesan and Parish Collections

by Donal Bergin

There is a Tap & Go Card machine, and a donation box for all donations to St. Teresa’s Parish by cash (notes or coins) and by the weekly or donation envelope. There is also a separate Tap & Go Card machine, and a donation box for all donations to the Dublin Diocese 1st Collection and […]

Church Opening Hours

by Donal Bergin

From now on, the church opening hours will revert to:- 9am – 6.30pm on Monday9am – 5.00pm from Tuesday to Friday9am – 7.00pm on Saturday9am – 1.00pm on Sunday

Thursday Services

by Donal Bergin

The CELEBRATION OF THE WORD AND EUCHARISTIC SERVICE, led by members of the congregation, continues each Thursday at 10am. Similarly, the afternoon hour of quiet prayer in front of the BLESSED SACRAMENT and the opportunity for CONFESSION continues each Thursday at 3pm.