Parish Pastoral Council

The Parish Pastoral Council is a partnership of priests and laity consulting and working together to enable the parish community to fulfil its vision and sustain what is a vibrant and caring community. The Council meets monthly from September to June, at 8pm in the Parish House.  The following are currently members of the Parish Pastoral Council:-

President: Fr. David Corrigan sm, PP

Chairperson: Deirdre Kinahan

Vice-Chairperson: Tom McKenna

Secretary: Stuart Dunne

Assistant Secretary: Michael Douglas

Other Council Members: John Lawlor, Eileen Fitzpatrick, Niamh McInerney, Paul McNamee and the other members of the Parish Team (Fr. John Hannan sm, Fr. John O’Gara sm and Sam Byrne).

Contact: Fr. David Corrigan sm, PP 01 4542425

Parish Liturgy Group

The Parish Liturgy Group is committed to improving the liturgical celebrations in the parish, especially the major feasts and seasons of the liturgical year. In addition, the group organises a Mass for the Sick around the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, Mass for the Deceased in November, the Triduum to St Teresa, Harvest celebration and Mission Sunday.  The Group also prepares the Easter Garden.

We try to involve more and more parishioners in these celebrations.  This involves the decoration of the church, liaising with the choirs, Ministers of the Word, Ministers of the Eucharist and others. The Parish Liturgy Group meets at least six times a year at 6.30pm in the Parish House. The Group tries to attend in-service training offered by the Dublin Diocesan Liturgical Commission in the Spring and Autumn.

Chairperson: Breda McKenna

Vice-Chairperson: Jean Fitzpatrick 

Secretary: Regina Terry

Assistant Secretary: Louise O’Reilly

Group Members:  Sr. Breeda Walsh, Breda O’Hara, Mary McQuaide, Michael O’Reilly, Orla Curtin, Celine Aherne, Helen Sweeney and the Parish Team (Fr. David Corrigan sm, PP, Fr. John Hannan sm, Fr. John O’Gara sm and Sam Byrne).

Contact: Fr. David Corrigan sm, PP 01 4542425