Posts by Donal Bergin

1119 of 19 items

Bereavement Support

by Donal Bergin

The Irish Hospice Foundation provides a free Bereavement Support Line. This National Freephone Service is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, by calling 1800 807077. Visit for more information.

Summer Offerings

by Donal Bergin

The Summer Offerings collection for the support of priests started the weekend of 15th/16th June. “Please support your priests through the Summer Dues collection. The generosity that people show towards their priests is indispensable. Please play your part, too, in a renewed and active involvement of all parishioners as together we sow seeds for a […]

Please Support the Diocesan and Parish Collections

by Donal Bergin

There is a Tap & Go Card machine, and a donation box for all donations to St. Teresa’s Parish by cash (notes or coins) and by the weekly or donation envelope. There is also a separate Tap & Go Card machine, and a donation box for all donations to the Dublin Diocese 1st Collection and […]

Lay Led Liturgies of the Word and Eucharist

by Donal Bergin

Lay Led Liturgies of the Word and Eucharist will continue on Thursday mornings for the foreseeable future. If you would like to take part in leading one of the services as a Presider, a Minister of the Word or a Minister of the Eucharist, please contact our Parish Pastoral Assistant Sam Byrne or any member […]

Monday Evening Mass

by Donal Bergin

There will be no Monday Evening Mass during the summer months of July and August. It will resume on 2nd September at 6pm.

Meaning of the Symbols in the two new Covid Memorial Windows

by Donal Bergin

The windows represent aspects of the Covid 19 pandemic experience in St. Teresa’s community and also commemorate those who have died during the pandemic. They bring the onlooker into a conversation between this experience and their own. It attempts also to invite the onlooker to cross the threshold of their own experience and enter into […]

Recently Baptised

by Donal Bergin

We welcome Eadadh Clinton, who was recently baptised in this parish, into the Christian community. Please keep Eadadh and the family in your prayers.