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Sacramental Programmes 2024/2025

by Donal Bergin

It is time for parents and guardians who have children for the sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation to make application directly to the parish. Over the next month or so Sam Byrne, our Parish Pastoral Assistant will be available to meet individually with parents and guardians and discuss together the significance of the […]


by Donal Bergin

The foundation stone for St Teresa’s Parish Church, Donore Avenue was laid on the 13th July 1924. This marked the beginning of the construction stage which would be completed in 1926 with the opening of the church. Beginning next Saturday 13th July 2024, parishioners and friends of St Teresa’s Church, Donore Avenue will mark the […]

Recently Baptised

by Donal Bergin

We welcome Eadadh Clinton, who was recently baptised in this parish, into the Christian community. Please keep Eadadh and the family in your prayers.

Choir’s Summer Break

by Donal Bergin

The Choir, Singers and Musicians in the parish will take a break for the months of July and August. Sincere appreciation and thanks to all choir members and musicians for your dedicated and faithful leadership of the parish singing during the year. It will resume again on the weekend of Saturday 31st August and Sunday […]

Monday Evening Mass

by Donal Bergin

There will be no Monday Evening Mass during the summer months of July and August. It will resume on 2nd September at 6pm.

Lay Led Liturgies of the Word and Eucharist

by Donal Bergin

Lay Led Liturgies of the Word and Eucharist will continue on Thursday mornings for the foreseeable future. If you would like to take part in leading one of the services as a Presider, a Minister of the Word or a Minister of the Eucharist, please contact our Parish Pastoral Assistant Sam Byrne or any member […]

Covid Memorial Mass Communion Reflection

by Donal Bergin

The Communion Reflection read during the Covid Memorial Mass is as follows:- We remember, God of history and commemoration, we remember. We remember when the virus came and lives were lost; we remember the lockdowns and the separation, the cocooning, and the isolation. We remember being separated from classmates and work colleagues, from family members […]

Meaning of the Symbols in the two new Covid Memorial Windows

by Donal Bergin

The windows represent aspects of the Covid 19 pandemic experience in St. Teresa’s community and also commemorate those who have died during the pandemic. They bring the onlooker into a conversation between this experience and their own. It attempts also to invite the onlooker to cross the threshold of their own experience and enter into […]