Posts from November 2024

7 Items

St. Teresa’s Vounteer Sunday – an Invitation

by Donal Bergin

Thank you, to all the wonderful volunteers that contribute so richly to the life of the parish. Below is a leaflet outlining many of the possible means by which you can volunteer in the parish. Whether you have a half an hour a week or more, you are very welcome, indeed invited, to consider giving […]

Altar List of the Dead

by Donal Bergin

Altar List of the Dead Envelopes are available in the church and can be returned to any member of the Parish Team or placed in the safe in the church.

Something to Think About

by Donal Bergin

Would you consider driving a neighbour to Mass, someone maybe who is unable to come on their own but would welcome a lift? Would you consider being a Minister of the Word from your seat? The sanctuary steps are a barrier for some. You can read from your seat with the radio microphone. Please let […]

Winter Bugs and Hygiene

by Donal Bergin

Winter can be the time of colds and germs.   So during the Winter months we will continue to disinfect the church once a month as we did during Covid.  We encourage everyone also to use the hand sanitizers on the way in and out of the Church.  The peace gesture will continue as a […]

Tax Relief Form (CHY3) for Donations to Eligible Charities

by Donal Bergin

Whether you support the parish financially via the weekly envelope, Standing Order, online, by cheque or any other traceable means, if you pay income tax, donate €250 or more per year, and fill out this CHY3 form, the parish may be able to claim back 45% of your original donation amount.  If you are in […]

New Crucifix

by Donal Bergin

There is a new crucifix in St. Teresa’s Church. It originates from the former Marist Chapel in the seminary of Mount St. Mary’s in Milltown. Thanks to Tommy Moylan for his skilled work on the stand, to Louise O’Reilly and Celine Ahern for the curtains and to Mikey O’Reilly for all the help in installation. […]

Meaning of the Symbols in the two new Covid Memorial Windows

by Donal Bergin

The windows represent aspects of the Covid 19 pandemic experience in St. Teresa’s community and also commemorate those who have died during the pandemic. They bring the onlooker into a conversation between this experience and their own. It attempts also to invite the onlooker to cross the threshold of their own experience and enter into […]