The Weekly Parish Envelopes for 2024 remain available on the table at the main door of the church. If you have not already done so, please feel free to take a box if you would like to support the parish on a regular basis by returning the weekly envelops when suitable with your donations.

The parish envelopes are the primary source of income for the services and ministries of the parish. Thank you once again for your generosity over the past year and years in supporting the parish in this way.

If you prefer you can also contribute to the parish in place of the weekly church envelope by means of a weekly / monthly standing order. Please ask Fr. David for the bank details. The details are also available on the table at the main door of the church.

If you are aware of others (neighbours, friends, family) who would be willing to support the services of the parish, by the making of a weekly contribution, please let us know or arrange for them to receive a box of envelopes.