Centenary Celebrations in St. Teresa’s Church

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The foundation stone for St Teresa’s Parish Church, Donore Avenue was laid on the 13th July 1924. This marked the beginning of the construction stage which would be completed in 1926 with the opening of the church.

On Saturday 13th July 2024, parishioners and friends of St Teresa’s Church, Donore Avenue marked the centenary of the church. Mass at 6pm was celebrated by Bishop Paul Dempsey, newly appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin, together with the priests of the parish Fr. David Corrigan sm PP, Fr. John Hannan sm and Fr John O'Gara sm. Visiting Marist and former curate Fr. Paul Walsh sm also concelebrated.

The Mass was followed by the unveiling of a stone to mark the centenary, the planting of a rowan tree and refreshments afterwards.