The Jubilee of Mercy is an opportunity to remind ourselves that mercy and compassion are at the heart of the mission of Jesus in the world today.  We can be ‘missionaries of mercy’ in our everyday lives by the way we live and interact with others.  On the 3rd Sunday of Advent, 13th December, symbolic ‘Holy Doors’ will be opened in cathedrals throughout the world, inviting people to make a pilgrimage of mercy as they cross the threshold of compassion.  At a local level, this journey of compassion can be replicated and celebrated in a variety of ways.  Our starting point is the challenge of Jesus in Luke 3:36 – Merciful Like The Fatherwhich is the motto of the Jubilee Year.  The motto ‘serves as an invitation to follow the merciful example of the Father who asks us not to judge or condemn but to forgive and to give love and forgiveness without measure’.  There is more than a year’s work in that.  In fact it is a challenge for life!